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/ Overview

How do you give a behind-the-scenes tour of a rebrand? You deconstruct it in front of the world and build it back for them to see.

  • Digital Strategy
  • Visual Language
  • Content Direction
  • Website Design
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Docusign tirelessly built their brand identity with their own internal team over several months. But there was so much to be said about their early mornings and late nights creating it.

To give the public a peek behind the proverbial curtain, they hired us to tell the behind-the-scenes story in a way that no brand has done.

We set out to resonate emotionally with disparate audiences: Docusign users, the press, potential investors, the design community, and anyone interested in how a brand refreshes itself for the future.

We built an immersive online storytelling experience that invites you on a tour of their new identity through core elements: typography, motion, sound, graphical elements, and of course, the new logo.


/ Strategy

Their new tagline became the north star: Bringing Agreements to Life.

This “museum-style” flow gave visitors the freedom to explore. In the process, they could learn how every detail was considered to create a new narrative around a theme of agreement.


Playing with visual language to fit a new narrative.

Their identity was created in-house, with us as their agency running parallel. Our design and copy team were in lock-step, rigorously exploring to create a narrative thread — a collaborative effort that compelled the client to think differently.

Crafted storytelling

Bringing life to the static.

We explored ways for visitors to interact with the brand elements in a way that felt like a natural analogy to Docusign’s commitment to bringing static documents to life.

/ Sound

Exploring sound theory.

Docusign engineered an amazing sound theory with thoughtful attention to how audio can create emotion during key moments: signing a document, delivering it, and so on.

As their agency for the big announcement, we helped create interactive moments for visitors to experience how audio can be an integral part of a brand refresh.


Emotion through anthemy.

Beyond audio cues, what better way to introduce a brand than through anthemic music? We collaborated with Docusign to explore how sound can integrate with a visual experience and deliver positive emotions associated with the brand.

/ Testimonial
You all are so amazing, I want to cry. It’s so beautiful and I’ve always wanted to do something like this for 5 years now. It’s so good, so good, so good.Carla Weis
Head of Brand & Creative, Docusign
/ Design

the shape of agreemenT

A set of basic, geometric shapes inspired Docusign’s pictograms, illustrations, and other visual elements. We deconstructed them then built them back up to show how visual agreement is made for the brand.

motion and SCROLLING

Continuous storytelling.

We harnessed the power of motion and Lottie animations to craft a vibrant and engaging user experience that could be brought to life seamlessly on virtually any device.

By integrating dynamic visuals and seamless animations, we simplified complex concepts, making the website both engaging and easy to navigate.

The one-page scroll delivered smooth storytelling — often interactive and always moving forward.


technology that could not drop the ball.

We built static React frontend components and passed placeholder data which could later be connected to Docusign’s CMS. We removed the CMS coupling for efficiency but ensured the infrastructure was in place for implementation.

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